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Questions Answered on Kundalini Yoga and Advaita!

A lot of us are gravitating towards spiritual light and trying to understand what is what.

We have Questions

We wonder, why we have so much unrest within and what are the answers to all our (not so silly) questions. Why is not everyone around us talking about it.

What is non-duality, yoga, kundalini yoga, hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama and so on… everything is there in our heads all jumbled up. We end up going from one yogic practice to the other, in search of answers.

I got so many gurus on the way. Honestly 90 percent of my questions remain unanswered. I question myself, what am I doing and why am I going thru this or that practice by any guru.

In Search of Answers:

A few days ago I was forced to dwell more into non-duality. Who else will force me but me. I was hearing this term too much. I had heard this a few times before, but it never hit me, until a few days ago. I started researching on it and came across an amazing sage “Swami Tadatmananda” from “Arsha botha Center”.

I am getting somewhere:

I was blown away by his clarity and depth of his video teachings. I am not sure if I had heard him a few years ago, I would have appreciated him so much. Today it’s a different story. I heard him and was speechless. I felt so much light and excitement inside me, and thought everyone should know about him.

I do feel, if you hear him absolutely in the beginning when you are not even close to the spiritual journey, you might not feel the same way as I do. Or may be you would. Most likely, you should at least have been stricken by the lightning of spiritualism in some way. Should have felt lost and want to find your way. Have heard the various terms been thrown at you like non-duality or advaita, kundalini yoga, chakras, shiva shakti, and the list goes on.

There should be a confusion and you should be looking for clarity. Wonder why do we need to know all this. Who can really answer this.

So this is where I was and am today. Its very confusing.

Blessed to have found his great work!

I love this world 50% of the times and 50% I want to run away and just be. Short story is I am lost.

1. Researching on advaita aka non-duality the other day.

I started following random leads, in the search of trying to make sense out of things.

Here is why I like Swami Tadatmananda’s work:

  1. Not all information is available in one place.
  2. No teacher is directly addressing all our questions and explaining in reference to the ancient scriptures and its validity.

I stumbled on this amazing one video from Swami Tadatmananda where he explains very nicely what is advaita or non-duality. I am not saying I get if fully now. I did quite get something when I heard it at that time. I just have to dwell on it, I guess.

Point is, it was explained so beautifully and clearly that it got to me.

Then today, I wanted more clarity on my other terms I have been hearing or reading about like kundalini yoga. In my head I was even practicing it but since no one is clearly explaining or making sure our doubts are at rest about its history or significance I am still not really dwelling on it much. 

2. Wondering if there is information on Kundalini Yoga

So back to what I heard today. I stumbled on another video from Guruji – as I have started calling him since today. I have accepted him as my teacher.

In the video, he explains where did the technique of kundalini yoga come from, how its different from advaita or non-duality and still connects to it. He explains how he is more inclined towards advaita but wanted to experiment with this parallel path of kundalini yoga. He shares his each day of how he practiced Kundalini Yoga and what he felt as a result.

He clarifies a lot of myths and false beliefs around it. It’s a must hear video if you are at the place where I am today. If not, I would say still hear it, because, if you have not even started your spiritual journey, you will listen and ignore it, but will come back to it whenever you are ready. Or, if you are way up there and totally understand things, it’s a good perspective to grow.

See, I am not saying what he is saying is the right thing. But he does seem very on the point and clear about things.

For me it’s a blessing to have found him. Specially for my spiritual journey. I am sure you will appreciate his effort too.

3. More information?

Just search up all his work on various topics and you will get a lot of insight if not complete clarity.

A few of the videos I heard today

Advaita Vedanta

Kundalini yoga

I will highly recommend you to go through his work, so you can fill in some more gaps in your knowledge.

All his videos are here.

Tags: Advait, Kundalini Yoga

